Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fearless Babies!

One for the money...

Two for the show!

Phoenix - Bonifas/Landon Time

We got to spend the other half of our trip with my sister and her family. Here's a pic with the twins, Rose and Sienna. Lisa and I took them to Lisa's parents place to go swimming. WAY more fun than daycare!

Auntie Kate haning with Nora. I love Ben in the background!

Nora and Benny bonded A LOT.
Is this not the cutest picture.
Blame Auntie Lisa for introducing him to Fruit Ninja.
The girls hanging out at Lisa's parents.
They called them 'Lisa's Mom and Lisa's Dad.' :)

Uncle Curt jammin' with Nora!

Lisa with the girls

Me and the ladies playing in the backyard.

Phoenix - Johnson Time

We had a lot of play time down in Phoenix - it was so nice to relax!
Here are the babies doing a group hug.

Shell and Lisa. It was cold the first day, so they weren't crazy for wearing fleece coats in AZ.

Shell and I in our natural habitat; drinking beer.

Uncle Lee with Nora and Kendall.

I had to put this in here...I LOVE this swimsuit. So cute!

Lisa, Shell and the babies.

Grandpa Dale and Nora on her special staircase.
She must have gone up and down these steps 800 times!

Dale and Lee playing shuffleboard.

Me and the babies taking a nap.
Turns out I ended up with a sinus and eye infection. It was lovely.

Phoenix - Dale's 70th

It was Dale and Derald's 70th birthday on March 1st. Family came from all over to celebrate...with most of us coming from MN, ND & Alaska.

Here is a group shot on the day of the party. Good picture minus Nora turned completely around...we'll need to work on that.

One of Dale's presents. He LOVES John Deere, so he got a kick out of this shirt.

The twins in their matching aprons. :)

Cousins Visit

Mitch had a job interview and so him and Nicole came up to see us afterwards. We're still crossing our fingers for Mayo or Fairview!
Here she is hanging out with Nicole.

Nora she is snugglin' with Mitch.

How about a group shot?