Monday, April 19, 2010

Ode to Nadia

I got out my nice camera this weekend and got some really great pics of Nadia, so I had to share. Everyone's always complaining that I always have pictures of Nora up here anyway. ;)

Money Shot....

N & N Forever

Botch and Nadia came over on Friday night, so the kiddies got to hang out with each other. Nadia always says "Nooooo - Ney!" That's Nora in baby speak. :)

Mommy and Nadi reading a book.

Nora and Mommy swinging.

Mommy Lisa's new car! The kids went and took it for a test spin.
Flash forward 15 years...


Here's a teaser of Nora's 8 month pics. We scanned in a copy for Grandma & Grandpa Johnson while they were here, so I'll have to scan in the rest! More to come!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Nora seems to be growing like a weed and we're loving every minute of it!

Here's a video of her doing "Patty Cake"

Here's her doing "So Big"

Sorry about the wrong direction. I think I inherited this from my mom (see previous post for details)

Easter Time!

It was Nora's first Easter and we got her all dolled up for her big day. The Easter Chicken even showed up with Easter baskets.
Here Nora is playing with her Auntie.
Attempting to get a smoocher from mommy - Ga-rooosss! is my mom's great photography. Yes, this is suppose to be a picture - which is why it's so stinkin' funny. Oh, Barbara... ;)