Monday, December 21, 2009

Getting Ready for Santa!

This pic makes her look huge, so I had to put it up. She's wearing her pj's that say "My first Christmas." Oh and that's our tree "Linda."

Look I can grab my feet and roll over!

Me and Mommy!

Me and other Mommy that looks like a lumberjack. ;)

My First Pic with Santa!

Here's Nora's first pic with Santa. She was such a good girl. We waited in line for an hour! Welcome to being a parent 101...Regardless, I was waiting for her to start crying, but she just sat there hanging out. He fluffed her dress and snuggled her up and she was just chillin'. Should have posted this about a week ago, but holy crazy Christmas time.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Grandma & Grandpa Johnson!

Grandma Bette and Grandpa Dale came up to visit this past weekend on their way to Arizona. Lucky Nora, she's gotten to see both grandparents 2 weekends in a row!

Look it--it's the baby whisper-er!

Snuggled up with his grandbabies. Nora was sleeping. Come Sunday, everyone got sick! Hopefully Dale & Bette made it safe and sound--and illness free on their way down.

Tubby Time!

Here's a couple more shots of tummy time from Nana's. Can you believe she can already spell her name?

"L" is not for "loser." It's for lovely little lady. :)

Nana is so funny. Here I am by my (beloved) Aunt Sophie.

By day, I'm baby Nora. At night, I'm a rocker chic. Watch out.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

My New Toy

I took some random pics at my parents house with my new camera...more to come. I have classes starting next week. Annie Leibovitz has nothing on me. I also had complaints that the only pictures I post on Nora's blog is of Nora. I'm not naming names...Colin... ;)

Pretty bird...

Valpo Turkey Day!

Yes, yes, I know. I haven't updated the blog in apologies. :( Life has been busy! Tis the season, I guess. We went home to Valpo to see Nana and Papa for Turkey day. We had lots of fun and Nora just loved mom and dad. I think she might have been extra smiley for the trip. :)

Here she is laying in Cede's new bed. Serves her right. Tank, Malcolm have taken over her room so she might as well get in on the action.

Who me? Don't let my angel face fool you. I can be a little baracuda...even when my nose is all red because I have a cold.

I think Nora found her spot. Nana didn't seem to mind much either. So adorable. :)

I'm a bird, I'm a plane... Such a goober.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

It's Official....

I legally adopted Nora (11/20/09). I was nervous and excited--and we all know that I cried. Nothing in my heart changed, but I don't worry about anything happening legally now. She's the most amazing thing in the world and I will never have the words to explain how much I love her.

The judge took pics with us after. I look like I'm twenty feet away. Lord knows I wanted to give him a bear hug in my happy moment. But, I didn't want to upset someone with that much authority, so I chose to stay in my own dance space. He was really cute with Nora.
Here it is in black & white...our little family.

Friday, November 20, 2009

One of the best outfits ever!

She can really pull off polka dots. :)

Professional Pics!

I have no idea why I did not post these a couple weeks ago. These are Nora's a little over 3 month pics. So cute. :)
This is Mommy Lisa's favorite "Peek a Boo."

Lisa bought her this cute little "rocker" outfit. Our photographer wasn't the greatest, so we didn't get many of her in this outfit, but this one is super cute.
This is Auntie Amy's favorite. She's such a goober. Auntie made her this dress, too!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Princess Leia & Santa Claus

Hey everybody! We're back. It's been awhile. We thought we'd say hello and give you an update. Nora's recovered from Halloween and is getting ready for Turkey day. In the meantime, this is what we've been up to....

The latest Princess Leia impersonation. "Obi Wan, you're my only hope."

" Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas!"
I have no idea where she gets this behavior from...

Or do I...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I heart my sister!

Ralphie from 'A Christmas Story' has nothing on me.
I had to suit up to take a walk with my sister Mercedes.

Pic of my ladies. :)


Nora would like me to share with you A) Her many outfits for Halloween B) That her mommies are not funny, even though they think they are hilarious.

This is her skeleton outfit from Auntie Amy :)

This outfit is from Grandma & Grandpa Johnson. Honestly, could this outfit get any better?

Wait, wait....

Yep, this is the best. :)
No worries, we didn't forget Mercedes.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Here are some pics of Lee, Shell & the kids. We went out there this past Monday and carved pumpkins.
Kendall went sleepy early, so she had to have her own cameo. :)

Our first Halloween! :o)

So, this was the second day Nora was trying this toy. She's actually got it down now and can move the bear to make music quite easily--and only after a few days. She's (obviously)advanced. :)

We were trying to capture her doing it tonight, but of course the camera died so more to come!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cousins R' Cool

Lee, Shell and the kids came over to visit on Sunday. As you can see, it's difficult to get pictures with 4 kids---wait, wait...nope that was Uncle Lee that got the best of this picture.

Kendall giving her cousin a smoocher. :)
None of us are related. We look nothing alike.

Such a Big Girl!

Nora's starting to like reading a little more. She especially like "Oh the places you'll go." Like there's anywhere else to go besides Target and the Dog Park. People are so silly.

Nora's getting better and better at standing up (with our help, of course). She tells us it helps when we clap and cheer like we're professional cheerleaders every time she does it.

We ended up getting this bear hat. While she hates hats, this one plops on easily and she looks so darn cute wearing it.

I think the other baby is getting comfortable. We sort of held our breath waiting to see what Mercedes did and she just laid down right next to her. Nora is very intrigued by this giant deer.